PLM custom built monohull crane barge fitted with a PLM dredging grab crane and accommodation

PLM custom built monohull crane barge fitted with a PLM dredging grab crane and accommodation

PLM custom built monohull crane barge fitted with a PLM dredging grab crane and accommodation

PLM custom built monohull crane barge fitted with a PLM dredging grab crane and accommodation
Application | The Lloyd's PLM crane barge is a fully equiped barge with al the required equipment for dredging applications.
Type | PLM crane barge
Description | Monohull barge
Length | 40 meters
Beam | 12 meters
Barge weight | 300 ton
Classification | Lloyd's
Accommodation | Fully furnished house
Winches | Anchor winches
Fairleads | For anchor positioning
Features| PLM 1220 grab/hoist crane
PLM Barges
Sluisweg 25
4794 SW Heijningen
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 167 - 528 510